WEDNESDAY 13/4/16 - CrossFit 121
CrossFit 121 is a community gym run by locals for the locals
CrossFit 121, 121, cross, fit, gym, Cheltenham, Melbourne, Victoria, Chris Hogan, Maria Hogan, training, personal training, myotherapy, cupping, dry needling, remedial massage, remedial, sport injury, treatment
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14 Apr WEDNESDAY 13/4/16
Posted at 08:43h
Workout of the Day
by 121
6 sets Hang snatch + snatch + 2 overhead squats
Amrap for 6 mins
10 burpees box jump overs
15 hspu
20 T2Bar
25 swings 16/24kg
30 double unders
Rest 4 mins, and repeat.
- start the second amrap from where you finish the first.